I went
in for padded envelopes and came out with these gems. That place is dangerous for buying things you really don't need, but you can come up with any half-baked justification as it's only a dollar or two! Got this cute tape dispenser, perfect for a single roll of Japanese masking tape. I'll use this at the
One of a Kind Show to seal packages of jewellery!

Sweet little paper clips, ideal for clipping together
MoonRox line sheets.

Nice coil-bound note books, just in time to replace my existing one on its last few pages... Lovely for jotting down custom orders and other tidbits.

And who doesn't need napkins imprinted with C-notes?
Love your tape and dispenser, much better than my boring old grey one! The colourful clips are very sweet too :)
You'll have to take me to your dollar store! I never have good finds like that!
Dollarama is not your regular dollar store!
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