Spent Saturday garage sale-ing in J. and T's 'hood, then shopping the high end shops in the Bloor/Yorkville area with the Sis and C. 'Twas a delightful contrast in the hi and lo all packed within a few hours! Made a few purchases... but only at the garage sales! Along the way, we scoped out the windows at
Holt Renfrew. Here is a snap shot of Anita Clarke's window. Congrats to Anita of the well-followed blog
I Want, I Got! She was one of the six selected fashion bloggers from around the world to be invited to participate in a national series of window displays at Holt's stores.
Saturday evening was spent having a superb BBQ on A.'s roof top patio. It was a perfect evening to be outdoors loading up on good eats and sangria. Here are some more experimental photos. This time they were taken from the A.'s roof... not that you can tell! Sorry to throw so many of these at you. I just like how they are almost painterly. Also, thanks to A. for hosting the gang of us.

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