Aunt L. got a great deal on a Bakelite bangle that seemed to match her outfit perfectly. The others found some goodies and I went home with a couple vintage fabric scraps courtesy of Aunt. L.
Following the yard sale, A., S. and I hit the UFO on Niagara St. for some greasy cheap lunch. Yes, I did indeed take a photo of our meals. Just what we all needed. S. and I noted that we have walked by the place a million times and never knew there was a good ol' dive restaurant inside the convenience store. Everyone needs a little dose of dive, once in a while! Thanks for the intro, A.

Here is the gang chaining all our precious wheels together in a huge tangle of bikes near the temporary Bud Light Lime bar at H.T.O. Park. This is a park that is only a couple years old. It provides the city with a little bit of beach. It is basically a giant sandbox with perma-yellow metal umbrellas. It's actually a great design that looks much better without the gates and bleachers and what-not all around. It's right by the water but you cannot actually jump in and swim... (nor would that be advisable unless you want some pollution plus E. Coli... ) and you have a great view of the island as well as the city.
Here's most of the gang stopping for a Bud Light Lime. We fell for the marketing. They are quite tasty and refreshing, I must say.

All full of greasy goodness, I went off to run errands. Dropped by a wee craft show at Rolly's Garage (car repair shop turned art and culture venue) on Ossington to meet someone. It is now confirmed that MoonRox will be doing a wholesale show in August. Time to start cracking on some new designs to introduce for the Fall/Winter season.
It was far too nice a day to remain indoors for too long. We gathered a group of about 8 of us and formed a "bike gang" and went to Harbourfront to check out the Luminato events happening down there, including some Cirque de Soleil performances. There were a ton of people swarming around.

If anyone in these photos does not wish to have their picture shown, please let me know and I'll remove it!
All along Queen's Quay, there were stations dishing out delicacies from around the world. The umbrella-covered stations seemed to go as far as one could see. It was Luminato's 1000 Tastes of Toronto sponsored by PC. Don't know if there actually were 1000, but there were a good many! Check out the crowds! Insanity!
I was so happy to initiate my new picnic bag from S. It's a cooler in the bottom and a meshy storage bag in the top! It's perfect for these day outings and it fits in the basket of my bike! Thanks S.!
Today I wandered around a fair bit again, but generally, it was a much more mellow day. I witnessed what appeared to be a turf war between Batman and a Bronze Cowboy in front of the H&M store at Yonge and Dundas.
Then C. and I decided to go down to the water front again. We walked past the CN Tower and the SkyDome. I'm not into calling it the Rogers Centre...
It was even busier than yesterday. The RedBall was at Harbourfront today. This is my 3rd RedBall sighting but today marks the last appearance in our fair city. This time it was wedged under the bridge that connects the piers.
Here's photo of a fellow that was charging at the ball and hurling himself at it repeatedly. I assume he was hoping for the prefect photograph. Pretty hilarious!

We spotted some wandering Cirque de Soleil performers. We did manage to see a tiny bit of a show but I didn't get any good photos. We were too far back. We opted to go into the Power Plant to check out the current exhibition of contemporary art.

I ended Saturday by meeting up with a different gang and heading over to T.'s housewarming party at her new condo, which is lovely. I was good and exhausted from being out and about all day, but it was great to see everyone!

July2/09 -- Batman has written to tell me that they are actually all friends.

Then I headed home for Sunday dinner. My sis requested my spaghetti al limone, so we made dinner at my place as opposed to dining out. She brought some nice cheeses, prosciutto and olives and we made a nice spread with some pecans and honey too. All this was just fab with the pasta. Served it all up with a big pitcher of fresh iced tea.
Hmm, this is the second photo of a meal in this post! I couldn't help myself! My camera is always in reach! Anyhow, I have been on an al limone binge for a year or so. I always favour all things citrusy and can never go without noodles in any form. So in case anyone wants to know, here is the recipe. It's an easy one and very tasty!

Spaghetti al Limone (2-3 portions)3 portions spaghetti (I'm not sure of the exact amount -- I go by the feel in my hand but perhaps it is 300g?)6-10 cloves garlic2 slices of a large red onion1 Tbsp capers3-4 Tbsp E.V.O.O1 lemonParmigiano-ReggiannoAsiago3 Cups or handfuls of baby arugula3 Cups or handfuls of baby spinach1-2 previously prepared boneless skinless chicken breasts (optional)saltpepperInstructions:1. Smash garlic cloves and heat in a large saucepan in 1-2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil for 10 minutes or even longer on low heat.2. Bring a pot of water to boil.3. While garlic is infusing the oil and water is coming to a boil, prepare the lemon. Zest the whole lemon and add zest to 2-3 Tbsp. of olive oil in a measuring cup. If you like, reserve some zest to garnish.4. Roll the lemon to bring out the juices of the fruit. Add the juice of the whole lemon to the zest and olive oil.5. Add 1/2 Cup of a combination of grated Parmigianno-Reggiano and Asiago cheeses to the mixture. Mix/whisk together and set aside.6. By this time the garlic should be slightly browned and very fragrant. Turn up heat of saucepan to medium-low and add 2 slices or approximately 1/2 Cup of diced red onion to the pan. Heat until onion is cooked.7. If using chicken in the recipe, add chunks of cooked boneless skinless chicken breast to the pan. Otherwise, skip this step.8. When pasta is ready strain and add to the pan.9. Add baby arugula, baby spinach to the pan.10. Add 1 Tbsp capers with caper juice to the pan.11. Add lemon/oil/cheese mixture to the pan.12. Add a large pinch each of salt and pepper.13. Toss all ingredients until the pasta has absorbed the liquids and add additional salt and pepper to taste.14. Serve!
See? Easy! That's it for now. I'm going to retire for the eve now! Tomorrow should be a busy day at the MoonRox studio. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
1 comment:
I am the batman. The cwboy, the chalk sidewalk artist and I are friends. He was pissed, but not at me.
And just to let you know its not being creepy, it's a form of respect and being nice. So I would say pick your words better.
if you wish to rebuttle abrovedani@gmail.com
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