MoonRox Treasure Bracelets and other items on display.
Then we made our way over to the Cryptic Canvas for the Niche Market preview event. By the time we made it there, things had quieted down, but I was told that it was a huge success. It was nice that it was not too hectic so we could have a proper chat with the gallery directors and hear some feedback, all positive, of course. Here are some shots of the space and some MoonRox pieces on display.

Lots of MoonRox head bands and clips.

After the preview, we hit the Muhtadi International Drum Festival at Queen's Park and then on to a Luminato event, the Traveling Blues at Metro Hall. Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity, runs until the 14th of June.
Today I watched Roger Federer make history by winning the men's final at the French Open (defeating Soderling) before heading out for a stroll. My day was totally made when we accidentally found the red ball of the RedBall Project wedged into the main entrance of Old City Hall. When I flipped through the Luminato guide a couple weeks ago, I thought, all I really want to see is this RedBall by Kurt Perschke. To see the schedule of where the RedBall will be spotted next, see the schedule HERE.

There went another weekend. Aunt L. came over for Sunday dins and we caught up on the week's events and watched the Tony's. I'm beat. I have been working on photos to add more content to my website. I hope to have some items available for sale on the site soon... Lots more to do! In the meantime, I have been adding more to my Etsy shop.
Apologies for the long-windedness today! G'night!
I have to have one of those cupcakes!
hey, my next door neighbour actually has a side business painting those cute pictures on the side of ice cream trucks. it's a pretty sweet gig.
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