Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en!

Hope you are having a spooky evening...  Here are some quick snaps from the celebrations on the weekend.  On Saturday, A. and I drove a big cube van up north to move some of her stuff to her mom's and rolled back into town in time to meet up with S. and S. for the evening.
We all had a really busy week, so time was too short to craft extravagant costumes, thus the dollar store was our best pal.  Bit sad considering we are usually creative folk... We still had fun with it.  Everyone likes a funny hat!  Entertained ourselves laughing at both the comments on the backs of our speech bubbles and our low-to-no effort to dress-up.  
Had a good time at W.'s party.  Saw some excellent get-ups.  Check out those robot costumes.  Both were equipped with lights.  The 'bot on the left even has a drink holder with extend-a-straw.  Pretty impressive.

Tonight I am making necklaces and earrings...

I'll let you know about a contest for the One of a Kind Show tomorrow!  Night!

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